Commit & Prosper
CSLGJ is entirely self-funded, relying solely on your generous support without any financial assistance from our home office.
Your tax-deductible gift helps to create a more connected world and allows others the opportunity to experience the life-affirming messages of Science of Mind and Spirit. Know that your gift blesses and multiplies all that you have and all that you receive. It also lets us know that CSLGJ is making a difference in your life!
Ways to Donate
Choose from the options below or call the CSLGJ office for other ways to donate.
Charitable Giving
Donate through PayPal Charitable Giving. With this option, there is no service fee to you or to CSLGJ.
Donate via Text
Donate via text message. Send your donation amount in a text message to 970-578-1117.
Mail a Check
Mail your check to CSLGJ, 491 Sparn Street, Grand Junction, CO 81501