
491 Sparn Street
Grand Junction, CO 81501


491 Sparn Street
Grand Junction, CO 81501

The Events, Activities, and Ceremonies pages present dozens of opportunities to get involved in CSLGJ, including Community Service.

This page is AN INVITATION TO YOU TO BE OF SACRED SERVICE by becoming a Volunteer at Center for Spiritual. Living Grand Junction

Make an IMPACT through Sacred Service


“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” – Rabindranath Tagore“
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi
“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” – Muhammad Ali

One of our five spiritual practices is Sacred Service. Offering our Sacred Service is both a way to make a significant contribution to the community that feeds us spiritually and also to engage in a spiritual discipline that awakens us to the greater truth of our own being.

You have gifts to give, talents to share, and new things to learn. CSL Grand Junction needs you to share your service in a positive, loving, and spiritually growing environment. Everyone in our community carries a piece of the vision. Which piece are you carrying?

Make an impact within our community and find belonging and connection. Give of yourself through one or more of our Sacred Service Ministry Teams. These teams help with the tasks necessary to provide for the maintenance and administration of the Center as well as to help with services to the community at large.

It is an honor to find a place of service that fits your spiritual path. Let us support your desire to be involved in Sacred Service. Volunteers are always needed to assist with the many facets of the Center’s operation. Please contact Rev. Anna Scott at revanna@cslgrandjunction.org to practice Sacred Service at CSL Grand Junction, or fill out the form below.

Current Opportunities to Serve

Our Service Ministry Teams are:

  • Sunday First Impressions
  • Service Production and Support
  • Special Events and Community Projects
  • Communications/Website
  • Facilities and Maintenance

Read about each Service Ministry Team below.

Sunday First Impressions

Remember what it was like when you first got to CSL Grand Junction? Help make that first impression and continue to improve our visitors’ experience. Be part of what makes Sundays so special here at CSL Grand Junction. First Impressions Team includes our Greeters, Welcome, Hospitality, and Ambassador.


Be one of the first impressions a visitor has when they join us on Sundays while welcoming our regulars with your special hug. Greet and hand out announcement sheets and/or Welcome packets to first-time visitors and collect and process offerings. (Contact Rev. Anna at revanna@cslgrandjunction.org)


Help make our visitors feel at home by answering questions, showing them around and introducing them to people and programs around the Center on Sundays between and after services. (Contact Rev. Anna at revanna@cslgrandjunction.org)


Play host to our community, making everyone feel at home. Prepare coffee and snacks before the service OR clean up after service. Purchase food and pick up donations throughout the week. (Contact Rev. Anna at revanna@cslgrandjunction.org)


Be in the know and support the relationship between our community and CSL Grand Junction. Assist our community in knowing what’s going on at CSL Grand Junction, registering for classes and events, getting connected to our online database, and managing all of the activities here at the Center. (Contact Rev. Anna at revanna@cslgrandjunction.org)

Lending Library 

Surround yourself with the knowledge of New Thought authors and assist people in accessing that information. (Contact Rev. Anna at revanna@cslgrandjunction.org)


Service Production and Support

So much goes into our services so people can commune and celebrate together. There’s always a place for you!

Sacred Space 

Create the feeling and the look of the sanctuary for services and celebrations – including cleaning, arranging, flowers, decorations, and other special projects. (Contact Rev. Anna at revanna@cslgrandjunction.org)

Media Team

Assist in the Media Team Booth on Sundays and special events.  The Media Team is responsible for setting up the platform with microphones, TV, keyboard and accessories for Sunday Service; setting up and playing prepared PowerPoint slides; running camera and livestreaming Sunday services.  Full training is provided, previous experience is not necessary.  The Media Team prepares for Sunday services on Friday mornings with the Music Team.  There are three positions available on Sundays from which you can choose to learn.  You may also choose which Sundays you are available from which a monthly schedule is prepared.  Come and join the fun!

(Contact Deb Smith at deb@cslgrandjunction.org)

Special Events and Community Projects

Seminars and Events Team 

Pick up speakers, meet them and show them CSL Grand Junction hospitality. Support our seminars, concerts, movie nights, drum circles, and other special events before and during the events. (Contact Rev. Anna at revanna@cslgrandjunction.org)

Community Service 

Be part of our Sacred Service in Grand Junction and the world. Ongoing activities and special projects. (Contact Rev. Anna at revanna@cslgrandjunction.org)

Arts and Music 

Want to express and share your creativity? Want to grow your sense of being creative – sing in a choir, act in a theater production, share your art, or simply offer your talent? (Contact Barbara Bellamy at barbaraelizabet@aol.com)

Congregational Care 

Actively caring for and about each other and staying connected through a crisis is a significant commitment here at CSL Grand Junction. Hospital and home visits, driving, food, and other support services are offered by community members to each other. Share your loving heart and hands. (Contact Rev. Anna at revanna@cslgrandjunction.org)



Help our community members know what’s going on and stay informed with sizzle and pizzazz. Share and enhance your creativity through graphics, layout, and production assistance. Come into the office and be part of the buzz, or work on projects from home. Regularly scheduled or by project. (Contact admin@cslgrandjunction.org)


75% of our visitors find us through our website. Class and events info and registrations are all on the calendar. From finding last week’s message to listening to life-changing stories, from volunteering to education, it’s all on our website. Our new website is so user-friendly that anyone who can use a word processing program can help us stay current and keep our website up to date. Regularly scheduled or by project, in the office or at home. (Contact Marian Phelps at marian@cslgrandjunction.org)


From graphics and layout to database input to mailings to production, everything we do to communicate and keep everyone’s information gathered is now primarily done through technology. Whether you already have the skills, want to improve your training, or simply learn more in any of these areas – we need your support to keep our organization running efficiently and effectively so we can focus on what’s really important!


Be part of the buzz at the Center and be in the know of what’s happening at CSL Grand Junction. Greeting visitors, answering phones, data entry, general office work, and special projects. Regular shifts or by project. (Contact Rev. Anna at revanna@cslgrandjunction.org)

Facilities and Maintenance

Making sure our home stays beautiful!

Plants and Landscaping 

Coming soon!

General Maintenance 

Keep us in perfect working order to reflect the joyous community that we are! Share your skills in HVAC, electrical, plumbing, carpentry, painting, hauling, etc. Share your tools, truck, and expertise on projects as needed. (Contact Paul Barrett at cslgrandjunction.org)

Leadership Council Membership

The Leadership Council is the elected body that oversees operations of Center for Spiritual Living Grand Junction. It is comprised of five-to-seven members, plus the Spiritual Leader of CSLGJ. Elections are held at the Annual Meeting in February. The formal application process is announced each October in multiple media with the application packet attached to an email to all members. Applications are due by November 15. Click here to preview the application packet.